How can we help?

We have a bespoke approach to helping build people skills because no two organisations or people are the same.

Our bespoke approach to identifying how, together, we go about elevating your people skills so they have maximum impact on you and your organisation.

Our methods include: one-on-one and group interviews and coaching; workshops; surveys; strengths and personality assessment tools and instruction.

Developing and honing people skills is a life-long endeavour. So, we will provide strategies and programs for your organisation to follow once our formal collaboration has ended. Or not ended… we can provide on-going coaching and advice where that would be beneficial.

Our typical cycle of collaboration on building people skills looks like this:

Discover – Listen to relevant leaders and staff to unearth the current state of organisation culture, leadership, people skills, key strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and threats. Undertake other relevant discovery work eg feedback from customers, partner organisations, and surveys as appropriate - such as the Gallup Q12.

Plan – Working with the client, confirm: scope, goals and timeframe for action; who is included; prioritise the leadership and people skills to address; matrix of methods of engagement and instruction; determine on-going feedback and final review format. Review and confirm with client before executing.

Execute – Carry out the agreed plan (eg coaching, assessment tools, workshops) and amend collaboratively as required.

Review – Provide qualitative and quantitative findings to inform recommendations for consolidating the gains made, plan on-going coaching and advice and to address areas that require further attention.

Our approach to coaching:

  • Executive coaching is very much a one-to-one activity and is certainly bespoke. We track through the Discover>Plan>Execute>Review model, but focus on the individual's professional journey, current state and what their aspirations are for their future and that of the organisation.

    We may use tools such as CliftonStrengths or DiSC to help delve more deeply into personal strengths and personality style and how they impact on leadership style and effectiveness.

    Together, we will identify what people and leadership skills to focus on and develop a plan that meets personal goals and professional goals.

  • Managers are the executives-in-waiting in most organisations. They have demonstrated considerable skill in their area of expertise and responsibility in the organisation. Yet, it is likely that their skills and experience in managing staff, and in leading teams, are not as well developed as their technical expertise.

    Of course, some managers will have natural leadership and people management skills. However, the middle management group in any company wields significant impact on a organisation’s prosperity, culture and reputation. Every manager has a significant impact, for good or bad, on their staff’s productivity, the teams they lead, the quality of their work, their wellbeing and commitment to your organisation.

    We can work with managers one-on-one or as a group - or in combination. We may also use CliftonStrengths or DiSC as an aid to unlocking manager's skills in managing people.

  • Team Coaching is about enabling team members to work better together. This drives higher team performance to the benefit of the organisation and its customers

    Virtual teams are common now which gives rise to new challenges in collaborating and understanding each other's strengths and weaknesses. The Team Coaching helps virtual teams to identify, understand and overcome these challenges.

    Team coaching is about ensuring mutual respect and cooperation among team members, and that each member is playing to their strengths.